

Activism isn’t just clicking ‘Like’

ACT hosts a workshop on Activism, Creative Participation and Democracy, with a focus on anti-corruption and anti-racism. Governments serve the public….right?  Rule of law and police forces protect the public….right?  But what if they don’t? A government is more powerful that the individual, right?   The notion of a ‘social contract’… More

Dukakis Center to host annual SEESOX Seminar

The Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service of the American College of Thesaloniki will host the fifth ACT/SEESOX Salonica Seminar during the summer of 2013. The Seminar is convened by Dr. Othon Anastasakis, Director of the European Studies Centre and South East European Studies at Oxford… More

ACT students shine at Startup Weekend!

ACT students got a crash-course in Startup business development, participating as team-members and volunteers in a 54-hour startup marathon. Serving as host and Platinum Sponsor for Startup Weekend Thessaloniki, ACT welcomed more than 150 people from throughout Northern Greece to the campus on first weekend in April. Keynote speaker, Mr.… More

The 24th Annual College Consortium for International Studies

The 24th Annual College Consortium for International Studies is held at the ACT between April 16th -19th. CCIS is a non-profit membership organization with 128 U.S. member schools (Colleges and Universities) and international institutions. It has a Board of Directors and committees that establish policy for the organization and as… More

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