ΟΚΤΩ: ACT Photographic Group Exhibition

PINAKOTHEKE gallery will host in its space an exhibition of the photography group of ACT entitled "ΟΚΤΩ"
The ACT photography club named ACT of Shutters (the ACT Photography club) was initiated by two students, Ioanna Ntouvartzi and Raon Park, and consists of Vicky Tzouma, Petar Velkovski, Theodora Partsou, Maria Kyriaki, Konstantinos Kalousis and Filip Ivanis.
Motivated by their shared passion for photography, they formed a group of eight ("ΟΚΤΩ") students from different countries, academic fields, and cultural backgrounds. By photographing parts of the city under the central theme of "color," the group explored how each member's unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural influences could transform into creative visual interpretations, showcasing the individuality of each person's vision. From the colors of nature and color blindness to urban chromaticity and abstract interpretations, each piece offers a distinctive dialogue with the multifaceted meaning of color.
The creative project "Pinakothek" of the photographer Stefanos Tsakiris is housed in the center of Thessaloniki, and its purpose is to promote the work of the photographer through a variety of photo printing techniques on various products as well as events-workshops of photographic content.
- Opening Event: Friday 24 January, 18:00-22:00
- Duration: 24/01- 07/02/2025
- Opening days and hours: Monday-Friday, 15:00-20:00
PINAKOTHEKE, Karipi 38, 54624 Thessaloniki