

The 24th Annual College Consortium for International Studies

The 24th Annual College Consortium for International Studies is held at the ACT between April 16th -19th. CCIS is a non-profit membership organization with 128 U.S. member schools (Colleges and Universities) and international institutions. It has a Board of Directors and committees that establish policy for the organization and as… More

Graffiti in an ancient city: images and voices of daily life

Angelos Chaniotis was born in Athens and received his undergraduate education at the University of Athens. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Ancient History from the University of Heidelberg in 1984, followed by study of law at the University of Bonn from 1985 to 1986.  In 1992, he received his… More

Dukakis Center hosts foreign ministry veteran

Dimitris Katsoudas, former Secretary General of European Affairs, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke at ACT on Monday, March 11, under the auspices of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service, on the topcic of "Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: How Greece can Recover. Dr. Katsoudas,… More

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