
Dr. Christos Aliprantis, ACT adj., gave a lecture at the Center of Hellenic Studies at Harvard University

Dr. Christos Aliprantis, ACT adj., gave a lecture at the Center of Hellenic Studies at Harvard University

ACT adj. professor Christos Aliprantis (Division of Humanities and Social Sciences) traveled to the USA on February 1-10, 2023, sponsored by the Center of Hellenic Studies (CHS) of Harvard University in Washington, DC. Dr. Aliprantis is the recipient of the CHS early career fellowship in Philhellenism in 2022-23, in whose context he advanced his research on state policies and Philhellenism in early nineteenth-century Europe. He gave a lecture at the CHS outlining his related findings on political policing and Philhellenism during the Greek revolution of 1821-30. In addition, he conducted further archival research at the US National Archives in College Park, Maryland, this time regarding his newest project about US-Greek police relations in the Cold War era (1947-74).

Alimprantis Harvard
While in the USA and pertinent to his interests, he also participated in the 53rd annual conference of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, at Fort Worth, TX, on February 2-4, a leading forum on modern global history. His presentation focused on police cooperation between the Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires after the 1830 revolutions in Europe.
Dr. Aliprantis met with local academics and further explored collaboration prospects and potential joint academic initiatives between ACT and US institutions, such as George Washington University and the Center of Hellenic Studies of Harvard University in DC.

  • Christos Aliprantis is an adjunct professor in social sciences at the American College of Thessaloniki; a postdoctoral researcher at Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany; and an early career fellow in Philhellenism at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University. He earned his Ph.D. in history from the University of Cambridge in 2020 and afterward held postdoctoral positions at the European University Institute in Florence and the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. His research interests focus on the history of policing and security as well as migration and nationalism in modern Europe and Greece.



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