


ACT-SEESOX Summer Module

The ACT-SEESOX Summer Module is an integral part of the Summer '12 session courses at the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT). The Module is the result of a unique collaboration between South Εast European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX) at St Antony's College, University of Oxford and the Michael and Kitty… More

Workshop on the future of Greece

“Post-election Greece: Looking Ahead:” a workshop on the future of Greece, with Simon Bensasson, former senior official of the European Commission. More More

Dukakis Center hosts diplomatic training simulation

A group of students from Anatolia and Pinewood gathered at the Bissell Library on Saturday, February 11, to take part in a simulation of A100, the training course all new American diplomats take at the US Foreign Service Institute. The students did exercises in public speaking, note taking, and cable… More