
Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning

ACT subscribes to a pedagogy of active or experiential learning -- of learning by doing. Degree candidates and qualified study abroad students may undertake formal internships and engage in other experiential learning activities on and off campus under the auspices of the Dukakis Center.

For instance, students in the Civil Society senior seminar have designed and implemented community service projects. Other opportunities include design and maintenance of web-based portals, research and outreach assistantships directed by individual faculty, and occasional internships with organizations off campus.

Recent intern projects include designing a virtual exhibition of promotional materials from Dukakis Center events in 2011-2021, and co-producing a bimonthly web tv program.

On occasion the Dukakis Center provides support, selectively on a the basis of merit, to students in good academic standing engaged in off-campus activities relating to their field of studies at ACT.