
Internship opportunities for First year Psychology students at ACT

Internship opportunities for First year Psychology students at ACT
Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (St John Center): Ms. Ersi Grammatikou, Mr. Moisis Gialaouzidis and students: Elisavet Domali, Lydia Mavromati, Despina Tsalta, Maria Liouliou, Christodoulos-Stylianos Zikidis

Exciting opportunities are available for psychology undergraduate students to get hands-on learning and valuable research experience. While most students tend to complete internships during their junior or senior years, ACT’s Psychology Program offers internship opportunities with site supervisors from the first year of studies to increase competitiveness in the job market and support students to develop into well-rounded employable graduates.

The Greek Association of Alzheimer Disease and Relative Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) is a non for profit organization that was founded in 1995, by relatives of patients suffering from Alzheimer Disease as well as by doctors of all specialties - mainly by Neurologists and Psychiatrists and also by other experts (such as psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, etc.) that deal with the problems caused by this disease and by other types of dementia. Today, Alzheimer Hellas operates 2 Day Care Centers in Thessaloniki and has over 4.000 members.

Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (St Eleni Center): Ms. Xenia Maiovi, Stan Assouad (student), Ms. Evaggelia Bakoglidou, Christiana Smyrli (student), Natasa Tertlidou (student)

Christiana Smyrli (completed 100 internship hours at the site):
“A unique experience that showed me how important it is to see theory in practice, and a confirmation that I have chosen the right career". Christiana was also encouraged by her on-site supervisor to contribute to the 3-month Alzheimer’s Journal (Greek) Edition.
-read here part 1
-read here part 2

Natasa Tertlidou (completed 100 internship hours at the site):
“Through our internship at the St. Helena Unit, we have acquired not only practical knowledge in cognitive psychology but also the trigger to explore even more information about brain function. The experience was pleasant and gave us great satisfaction”.

Stan Assouad (completed 100 internship hours at the site):
“At St. Helena's unit I had the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of cognitive psychology and to know about people with dementia. The psychologists working in the unit treated me with respect and made me feel welcome”.

Spastic Society of Northern Greece (SSNG): SSNG was founded in 1970 in Thessaloniki as an association for the parents of spastic children and became the Spastics Society of Northern Greece in 1980. Its members are parents of children and youths with special needs, handicapped persons themselves as well as interested friends. The SSNG’s objectives are on the one hand to provide services to the disabled and their families, and on the other, to help bring about suitable conditions in the community for the integration of the handicapped on an equal basis.

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Ms. Niki Moshovaki (Psychologist) with the student, Einini Chatzikakou (currently under completion of 100 internship hours at the site)

The Psychology Program highly appreciates the time and effort all supervisors and staff spend with our students and look forward to a continuing relationship with your organizations.



17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
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